Disney Studios Paris: Studio Store
 Disney Studios Paris: Studio Store
 Disney Studios Paris: Studio Store: 4,000SF
 Disney Studios Paris: Studio Store: 4,000SF
 Disney Studios Paris: Studio Store: 4,000SF
 Disney Studios Paris: Studio Store: 4,000SF
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris - design sketches
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Lights, Legends of Hollywood Store: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: fixture sketch
 Disney Studios Paris: fixture sketch
 Disney Studios Paris: Legends of Hollywood Restaurant: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Legends of Hollywood Restaurant sketch
 Disney Studios Paris: Legends of Hollywood Restaurant: 17,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: Entry sketch
R&R entry.jpg
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: Entry idea sketches
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: Recording Studio
R&R coaster.jpg
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: 50,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: 50,000sf
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: Hard Rock Store
 Disney Studios Paris: Rock’in Rollercoaster: Hard Rock Store
 Disney Studios Paris: Studio Grill: 3,000sf
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf: The Venetian Hotel Las Vegas: sketch
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf: The Venetian Hotel Las Vegas 2: sketch
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf: Venetian Hotel Las Vegas
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf: Coffee Cart
 Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf - Powder Bin design sketch
 Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf: Merchandiser sketch
 Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf: Merchandiser sketch
 Levine and Company - 600lb Conference table I sculpted and designed from mass casting resin
 Levine and Company - on of the partitions I sculpted and designed from mass casting resin and steel
 Levine and Company - partitions I sculpted and designed from mass casting resin and steel
 Levine and Company - Reception desk I designed and sculpted. Made of mass casting resin, plywood and steel.
 Levine and Company - partition detail
 Trade show design
 Table I sculpted and designed from mass casting resin and steel
 Model for a film capturing when a house gets hit with an earthquake.
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